The OAKC charity tournament is an tournament run in May each year in in collaboration with the Town of Manchester’s Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation that offers the opportunity for local parents or guardians and their children to learn golf while relationship-building and establishing a life-long activity they can share together.
The 6-week introductory golf program, Together We Tee, is designed to immerse parents and children into the game and culture of golf. This program is offered to local Black and Brown youth of all genders and their parent/guardian. Children must be ages 9-12 and live or attend school in Manchester. The Manchester Country club will be providing all participants with lessons by golf professionals, fee waivers, and equipment.
This project is a part of a broader umbrella initiative by the Country Club, called the Opportunity and Access for Kids of Color (OAKC). The OAKC initiative aims to diversify golf in Manchester to more accurately reflect the make-up of the community, as well as establish a place that feels more welcoming and inclusive to all groups.